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Certified electrical contractor, Mr. Shashikant Patil, has been helping in designing, installation and commissioning of H.T. electrical equipment such as metering kiosk, VCB, transformer, LBS for the past 18 years, and has been successful in keeping our clients satisfied. Along with H.T. installation, we are also equipped to efficiently complete L.T. side installation and commissioning.


We have developed a transparent business model, which helps consumer to get a detailed idea of what type of work and how the project will be completed in time. Time is one thing that we believe is priceless and our team takes care that there is no any loss of such priceless time.   


At S.P. Engineers & Suppliers, we are determined to deliver a quality work that passes all the tests and falls under consumer's requirement. H.T. material that are supplied by various dealers are tested and verified by 15 years of our working together.


A team of 8 highly trained wiremen accompanied by 15 seasoned sub-contractors are always ready to solve all the issues in any electrical system. They are well equipped with all the necessary tools required to observe, locate and take actions on faults and inefficiencies in the electrical system.

Arvind Group
New Melting Center Pvt. Ltd.
5-star MIDC, Kagal
Arvind Group. Ichalkaranji
Parikh Metacast
5-star MIDC, Kagal.
Earthing work.
Cable saddling
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